J-Bird Changelog - 5 April 2007 0.5.2 5 April 2007 CVS tag V0_5_2 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Improved keyboard navigation: added close keys to most dialogs and added accelerators to menus. - Trip reports and dialogs that present lists of species may now show both common names and scientific names together. (suggested by pshute) - When importing checklists and observations, values of the create-synonym checkboxes are no longer carried forward because carrying them is useful less often than not. (suggested by pshute) - When species that are not in the master list are found while importing trips and ticks, it is possible to skip attempts to find matches in the master list and to save the log of problems to a file. (suggested by pshute) - Windows installer can install Java JVM for users who lack a suitable version of Java on their systems (but not on Windows Vista). BUG FIXES - If one attemted to delete a checklist that was referenced as a preferred checklist by a trip or region, the transaction failed. Fixed. - Removed the J-BirdDirect and DBBuilderDirect run scripts from the install because they confused people and weren't really needed. (found by pshute) - When importing checklists from a file, if one decided to modify the original file and backup in the wizard to read the file again, the file would not be read. This has been fixed by having the import dialog check the timestamp of the file being imported. (found by pshute) - When restoring database from csv while using GUI, if no suitable file was available in the data directory, the reubild failed in an unfriendly manner. The GUI now requests a file from the user. - When browsing regions or observers and double-clicking on a name to change it, if one kept the original name a popup appeared to declare that the name was already in use. The popup has been removed. - Checklist and ticker dialogs a bit too low on Win XP. Shortend them by a percentage that should scale. (found by pshute) INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Added install and show-install-dir targets to and build file. - Upgraded JSmooth to version 0.9.9-2 0.5.1 21 June 2006 CVS tag V0_5_1 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - When creating trips, the default region is the region of the previously created trip. BUG FIXES - If while ticking species on a trip from a checklist, the File menu was used to export the displayed table as either csv or html, presence/absence was not indicated (undecipherable strings were printed). Fixed. - On MS-Windows, DOS newline characters are now written new J-Bird.prefs files, trip reports and tables that are saved as html files, and database tables that are dumped into CSV files. - On Mac OS X, spaces in the paths of file names were a problem when launching the web browser to view html files on the user's computer. Fixed. - Excel dates were extracted incorrectly, as the day before the correct date. Fixed. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Separated application data from software - Zip files are now used to hold csv files that are created when dumping tables to CSV format using File -> Dump raw tables to CSV, or command-line -d. - If J-Bird is being upgraded, existing csv files will automatically be zipped up into appropriate file, and the zip file is moved to the new data home. - When rebuilding the database from CSV using the graphical user interface (DatabaseBuilder.sh or .bat), the database will be restored from CSVDump.zip in the data directory if that file exists. Otherwise, the database will be rebuilt from individual csv files in the data directory if they are detected. - Command-line options to DatabaseBuilder.sh and DatabaseBuilder.bat have been changed. With just -r or -R, the database is rebuilt from CSVDump.zip. If the argument has the special value "CSV" the database is rebuilt from individual csv files in the data home directory. - When J-Bird starts, it repairs the database if J-Bird was not properly shutdown when it was most recently used (and if the database is MckoiDB). - Removed from JBirdOptons fields that have fallen from use. - Scripts (RepairMckoiDB.sh/.bat allow users to repair the database from the command line. Warning: on 10 June 2006 commits were made to cvs that require some work on your part if you use "cvs update" to bring your source tree up to date and if you have not updated your copy of the cvs tree since 10 June 2006. - run "ant allclasses" as usual - run "ant run-separate" - run "ant run-jbird" or "ant run-builder" as usual although they are no longer necessary - A new target named run-launch can be used to launch J-Bird. Depending on the state of the application, it runs the database builder, repairs the database (Mckoi only), or runs J-Bird itself. 0.5.0 16 February 2006 CVS tag V0_5_0 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Import ticks from CSV files, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, tables in HTML documents, dBase .dbf files, and from relational databases for which the user provides Java drivers and an SQL query. - When a trip is created and inserted into the tree of trips, the new trip's siblings at the point of insertion remain expanded rather than being collapsed. - Folder and page icons removed from tree of trips and tree of checklists - When exporting checklists or trip lists to HTML from a a displayed table, presence/absence are now represented by as Y/blank, respectively, and Y values are centered in the table cells. HTML tables have borders for clarity. BUG FIXES - If while importing checklists or building the master species list the user clicked forward and then clicked back before the next step was displayed, behavior was unpredictable. Now, the back click will be honored, and the next step will be staged but not displayed. - After creating a new checklist or trip, two clicks on the tree were required to collapse the that portion of the tree that contained the new checklist or trip. The cause of this problem was also a memory leak. Fixed. - On Windows, fixed error in classpath that prevented the Excel library from being available to J-Bird. (The builder was OK.) - When saving a table that contained family names to HTML, extraneous HTML tags were present in family name entries. Removed. - Fixed bug in main frame task chooser that prevented one from changing from the tree of trips to querying ticks. 0.4.6 14 August 2005 CVS tag V0_4_6 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - In import tables (master list and checklists) in which users are to identify columns using column headers, a mark has been added to column headings to make them appear clickable, and users can click on the headings to obtain a popup menu rather than right-clicking on them. BUG FIXES - On some MS Windows systems, the installer failed. Fixed by using JSmooth to wrap the installer. - On MS Windows systems running Sun's Java Virtual Machine version 1.4.2, text fields were too small to be used in dialogs for entering and editing information about checklists. Fixed. (Thanks baskoro.) - On KDE 2.0 systems, the browser launcher could not handle KDE's BROWSER environment variable setting of "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing", and J-Bird handled the problem incorrectly. Fixed both. (Thanks baskoro.) 0.4.5 19 June 2005 CVS tag V0_4_5 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Master list builder converted to Swing. - Master list builder can import CINFO and AOU master lists directly from downloaded files, and it can download the most recent files from the internet. - Master list can also be built from DBF tables, HTML tables and from queries of relational databases. - Observers can be created when the master list is built. - Local checklist imports can be cancelled by closing the window that requests information about unknown species. - Added another option for the hierarchy of the tree of trips: Year -> Region -> Trip. BUG FIXES - Fixed null pointer exception that occurred when deleting multiple trips that were selected in the tree of trips. - When restoring from dumped CSV files, if a VARCHAR value was blank for a table column in which null values were forbidden an SQLException was thrown. Fixed. Blank values remain blank. The only values that are made null are those with null values in the CSV file. This bug was most likely to appear if a master list without common family names was dumped to CSV and then restored. - When importing checklists, leading/trailing space was not trimmed from names, and those spaces caused problems. Fixed. - Fixed bug in tree of trips that sometimes caused exceptions when trips were removed from the tree. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Planted first code on the path to separating the software directory from the data directory - necessary to create native Mac OS X packages in the future. - Import framework improved for master list, and checklist imports brought up to date. 0.4.4 17 March 2005 CVS tag V0_4_4 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Converted Main J-Bird window to a Swing component, including preferences dialog, license dialog, credits dialog, copyright splash and logger. - Tasks for listing species, counting ticks and querying ticks have been incorporated into the main window. - The main window remembers its location and its size for each of the main tasks. - Replaced logger options in the View menu with a Windows menu. - Windows users can recreate desktop shortcuts by clicking on a binary in J-Bird's home directory. BUG FIXES - New shortcuts created on MS Windows can now be moved between directories. (Upgraders must rebuild them.) - If J-Bird fails to construct a main task that has been selected by the user, the state of the application after the failure has been improved. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Upgraded installer to latest version (VAInstall 0.23). - Fixes windows shortcuts (as above). - KDE and Gnome desktops shortucts have been unified. - Shortcuts not offered on Mac OS X. 0.4.3 12 January 2005 CVS tag V0_4_3 VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Added main task for editing regions. Regions can be created, renamed, assigned preferred checklists, and deleted. All trips within a selected region can be moved to another region. - Added main task for editing observers. Observers can be created, renamed and deleted. - Added "create new trip" to menus on trip task dialog - Added "create new checklist" to checklist task dialog - In the checklist editor, cells that represent collapsed families in the table contain counts of the numbers of species in them that have been selected. - In the table that is used to edit species that have been observed on trips, cells that represent collapsed families in the table contain counts of the numbers of species that were observed in those families. - Removed the commit button from dialogs that are used to edit information about trips. Changes are commited by dismissing the dialogs. - On Linux, J-Bird should be able to make use of firefox, opera, dillo, konqueror, mozilla, and netscape if they are on the PATH or in either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. BUG FIXES - In the popup dialog for creating a new trip, if one clicked on the default checklist a second time (i.e., after having already selected a default checklist) it was not possible to close the tree of checklists without selecting a checklist other than the current selection. Fixed. Clicking on the selected checklist closes the checklist dialog. - In the tree of checklists, if the name of a checklist was changed and if the change altered the order in which checklists were ordered, the tree did not update correctly. Fixed. - On Linux, on the very first launch of J-Bird, J-Bird would crash if it could not successfully launch a web browser to display the "First steps ..." page. Fixed. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Properly fixed a problem with the display of note icons when ticking from checklists. The old fix was a hack. - Enhanced capabilities of BrowserLauncher under Unix and Linux. 0.4.2 22 October 2004 CVS tag V0_4_2 J-Bird 0.4.2 fixes a serious bug in version 0.4.1 It was not possible to create a trip unless at least one checklist existed. Fixed. Thanks to fripp and jeffc666 for pointing out the bug. 0.4.1 20 October 2004 CVS tag V0_4_1 NOTICE TO PEOPLE WHO COMPILE AND RUN J-BIRD FOR THEMSELVES (and do not use the installer) - A NEW VERSION OF MCKOI DATABASE WAS COMMITTED TO CVS ON 16 OCTOBER, 2004. THE VERSION IS 1.0.3, AND FILES IN EXISTING J-BIRD DATABASES MUST BE REFORMATTED BEFORE YOU CAN RUN A NEWLY COMPILED VERSION OF J-BIRD. ALSO, THE J-BIRD DATABASE SCHEMA WAS MODIFIED AT THE SAME TIME, AND IT, TOO, MUST BE UPDATED BEFORE YOU RUN J-BIRD. IF YOU COMPILE AND RUN J-BIRD FOR YOURSELF YOU MUST REFORMAT FOR YOURSELF. TO DO SO RUN, ant allclasses ant update-mckoidb-format ant update-jbird-schema END OF NOTICE VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Species lists can be imported into checklists from CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, tables in HTML documents, and from relational databases. - Trips and regions can be assigned preferred checklists to be used when ticking species that are observed on trips or when creating trip reports. - Added species finder to checklist tables, tick tables, and list query tables. - Added plain text finder to tick query tables. - Added to hacking page instructions and examples for accessing database via perl DBD::JDBC module. - From the "query ticks" task and from the "count species ticks" task, rows in tables that are displayed can be sorted interactively according values in a column. - Prior to upgrading J-Bird, the installer automatically dumps the contents of the database to CSV files if the upgrade is from version 0.4.0. (Older versions are incapable.) The classpath during the dump contains all jar files in the J-Bird directory tree, and it should be suitable for users who use Postgres instead of Mckoi as long as the JBCD jar files for the driver are in the J-Bird directory tree. - Instructions in the users guide for accessing the database from Perl. - Instructions in the users guide for configuring remote access to the database. BUG FIXES - Fixed uncoordinated scrolling of species tables. If a user clicked on a species name in the table and then used the up/down arrows to navigate, the body of the table would not scroll with the species names. Fixed. - Species tables - fixed thread collision exceptions during database operations in species table model. - Checklist tree and trip tree - Entries are now displayed in sorted order. - Checklist parents could be NULL if the database was restored from a CSV dump without the parent field. If so, checklists with null parents would not appear in the checklist tree. Fixed by updating database data and schema. - In J-Bird 0.4.0 (and not before) on MS Windows, \r characters were not removed from notes when they were dumped into CSV format from the database using the "Dump to CSV" menu item. Fixed. The restore procedure has been modified on MS Windows to read data from files that were produced by this bug. - When adding or deleting species notes while ticking from checklists, the note icon/letter would appear/disappear in the table only after the table needed to be repainted for some reason other than the addition or deletion. Fixed. - On Windows XP (and probably NT/2000) the installer could not create the install directory C:\Program Files\J-Bird without error. This bug is probably fixed, which means that changes were made and the error did not occur on two computers. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Refined TableModelEvents raised by SpeciesTableModel. Should improve performance on slow machines. - Database builder logs messages to a file as well as to the screen. This should be useful for debugging problems with the builder on Windows. - Mckoi database upgraded from patched version 0.93 to version 1.0.3. - Added framework for dealing with database structure changes in the future. The installer should be able to take care of most changes during upgrades. - Trip reports - preparation of data separated from formatting of report to accomodate PDF-format trip reports in the distant future. - Rebuild from CSV revised so that columns in the database table that are missing from the CSV file from which the table is restored will not be set to null. Instead, their values will take the defaults set for the table. 0.4.0 5 June 2004 CVS tag V0_4_0 BUG FIXES - When the browse/edit checklists panel pops up, it remains on top (i.e, the main frame with task chooser does not request focus and appear above the panel of checklists. - If someone was editing notes as plain text and committed the notes, the commit would fail because it would try to extract an html document from a plain text document. Fixed. - On Mac OS X installer progress during the install was not reported. The installer has been upgraded and patched so that progress is reported. - When adding/removing species to checklists, rows that showed family names appeared to be editable. Fixed. - The database builder on Mac OS X failed to remove from the screen the dialog that described the master species list after the list was approved. Fixed. - On Windows when starting J-Bird just after building the master species list, parse errors were generated when reading the options file, and credits for sound bites were not properly displayed (because of the parse errors). Fixed. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Main task "browse/edit trips" added. It displays a tree of trips. Click to open/close portions of the tree. Right-click for a menu of actions that can be performed on an entry. The menu includes, edit ticks, edit trip info, create trip report, and delete trip. More than one trip can be selected at a time, and ticks for more than one trip can be edited at a time. Trip ticks are edited from a table in which rows are species and columns are observer-trips. - Removed main task make trip reports because that is now done by "browse/edit trips". - On "browse/edit checklists" tree, double clicking on a checklist opens it for editing the species list. - On "browse/edit checklists" tree, when a new checklist is created, it will be presented for population immediately unless "defer selection" is selected on the information dialog (just like trips and ticks). - Added "User's Guide" menu item to the "About J-Bird" menu. It opens the user's guide in the default web browser. - The first time that J-Bird is launched, the "First steps with J-Bird" page from the user's guide is displayed in the default web browser to help avoid the problem that first-time users are presented with an unfamiliar display. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - JBirdOSX and JBirdDBBuilderOSX outfitted with Apple's new application interface for handling Apple menu preferences requests, about requests and quit requests. Deprecated code will be kept as long as it compiles to support users with older Macs. - JBirdDBBuilder.main can be invoked with the -r option to rebuild from dumped CSV files and exit without setting up a gui. - JBird.main and JBirdOSX.main can be invoked with the -d option to dump all tables to CSV files and exit without setting up a gui. - Upgraded version of VAInstall from 2.1 to the current CVS 25 Jan 2004. Should have better support for shorcuts for Linux. - reportheader.html moved into jar file and accessed as a resource rather than a file that can be lost. 0.3.0 9 December 2003 CVS tag V0_3_0 BUG FIXES - Modified code that loads database-specific SQL code to read from the text file any time that the time stamp on the text file is newer than that on the file of serialized sql code. Latent bug that would be manifested when db-specific sql code were changed. - The bug in Apple's MRJ that fouled up loading the default browser has been fixed in the latest release of the MRJ for Mac OS 10.2.x. J-Bird should successfully launch the browser. In older MRJ releases, J-Bird will launch Internet Explorer. Behavior under Mac OS 10.3 is unknown for lack of a Mac running it. - The poorly sized window that presented information "About J-Bird" on Mac OS X machines, now displays well because of bug fixes in recent releases of Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ). VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Modify cursor and button color when GO! button pushed on query ticks panel. - Popup errors appear for database and file exceptions that occur while dumping database tables to csv files. - Checklists introduced. It is possible to build checklists and to use them in trip reports and species lists. (It won't be possible to tick observed species from checklists until Version 0.4.0.) - The American Ornithologists' Union changed the format of its checklist of North American birds from DBF format to Excel format. The database builder has been modified to import the AOU checklist from comma-separated format (CSV). Users who want to use the AOU checklist as the master list of species need to convert the file from Excel format to CSV format before running the database builder. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Garbage collection is recommended to the jvm each time a major new component appears on the screen. - Large data objects are nullified and garbage collection is recommended to the jvm after data dialogs (species lists, counts, queries, and cheklists) are dismissed. 0.2.0 6 August 2003 CVS tag V0_2_0 BUG FIXES - Under Mac OS X after an upgrade of java, exceptions were being thrown when parts were removed from the display that allows users to specify restrictions on searches. The issue has been avoided by performing those operations in a separate thread of execution on OS X. This move has a side effect that the panel does not resize properly after components are removed. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Added tick query as main task. Choose columns to output. Place restrictions on query. Select destination (Browser, CSV file, HTML file, or table window) and go. Contents of table windows can be saved as CSV or HTML. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Source code also released as a tarball. The move from the ant xml file for downloading seems necessary because it was discovered that ant cvs targets require that cvs be installed on the system. 0.1.4 4 June 2003 CVS tag V0_1_4 BUG FIXES - Trip reports - Linux - J-Bird 0.1.3 only - an error message pops up instead of netscape when trip reports sent to browser and BROWSER environment variable not set. Fixed. . - Popup error message windows that were associated the logger did not close when the window close icon was pressed. Fixed. - Trip reports - latent bug that would have surfaced when checklists are implemented. Species seen on a trip but were not on the designated checklist would have been omitted from the report. Fixed. - Trip reports - an error dialog box appeared if a trip report was requested for a trip for which no species was ticked. A trip report is now produced that reports that no species was recorded. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Replaced toggles in View menu with pairs of exclusive checbox menu items for common/scientific names and for hide/show log window. - Message printed to log when dump of database tables to CSV files is completed. - Preferences window made to be less cluttered. Only one panel of choices is displayed at a time along with a list of available panels. The panel displayed persists across runs of J-Bird. Also, the commit and cancel buttons have been replaced with "Set all to to default values" and "Restore all to unmodified values". Changes (if any) are committed when the preferences dialog window is closed. - Increased widths of columns in tables of observed species and tables of species counts. Default size now 100 pixels. - On Add/Edit ticks panel, species selections are maintained across switches betwee common names and scientific names. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). 0.1.3 18 April 2003 CVS tag V0_1_3 BUG FIXES - Fixed resizing of main window as query restricitons are added and removed in the count-ticks and species-lists panels. Window used to grow beyond the size of the sreen. No more. Scrollbars appear and disapper as needed. Linux is flakey with the scroll-bars in that sometimes scroll-bars appear when they are not needed. There is nothing that I know of that I can do about that. Works great on Mac OS X and Windows. - Fixed panel of query restrictions that is used to count ticks and to generate species lists. The date restrictions panel failed miserably if the ending date was set to be the same as the beginning date. It works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X java vm 1.4.1. It probably works on Mac OS X java vm 1.3.1. - On Mac OS X, clicking the red destroy-window button on the main J-Bird window crashed J-Bird with an exception, and J-Bird failed to exit. Fixed. - When writing CSV files from tables generated by the task "Count Species Ticks", values that contained commas were not quoted before being written to CSV file. Fixed. (There was no problem with "Dump all tables to CSV" in the main file menu.) - When writing any CSV file, quotes within fields were treated in an ad hoc manner. They are now escaped by using two successive quotes, consistent with the manner that Microsoft Excell treats quotes when generating CSV files. - The CSV file parser now honors two successive double quotes (i.e., "") within a quoted field as a single escaped double quote. - When reading CSV files the ending quote was retained as part of the value of the final field on a line if the field was quoted and if the line did not end with a newline character. Fixed. This bug should not have affected users who restored J-Bird database from dumped database files (because all lines in dumped files end with newlines). - Fixed bug in installer. If Someone uninstalled J-Bird and then tried to install it again without deleting the directory that contained the install information, the install would fail with an IOException. Fixed. It is now possible to uninstall and install again without difficulty. - Fixed bug in installer on Windows XP. What launching java, the java command was quoted. XP does not tolerate that. Installer modified so that the java command is quoted only if it contains spaces, which will presumably not happen on XP. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Added main task for querying observations to generate lists such as life lists. Lists can be saved as HTML files or as CSV files. - Modified tables of tick counts so that the first column is always present, and other columns are scrolled. - Improved persistence of the state of J-Bird between runs. Previously, if any parameter that described the state of the user interface changed between versions of J-Bird, all settings would be lost. The method of retaining the state of the user interface has been completely rewritten to minimize loss of information between versions. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Modified build.xml file to include target for unit testing as well as classpaths for unit testing and vainstall jar files. To use junit testing, place a symbolic link in downloads/drivers/junit called junit.jar and have it point to the junit.jar file in your installation. For vainstall, place a symbolic link in downloads/drivers/vainstall called vainstall.jar and have it point to the vainstall.jar file of your distribution. - Unit tests have been build for a few more classes. - Modified edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher to use com.apple.eio.FileManager.openURL on Mac OS X Java 1.4.1. That new method is broken, and a workaround is used (in which Microsoft Internet Explorer is always run). BrowserLauncher should work fine with older Macintosh Runtimes for Java. - Apple's com.apple.mrj.MRJ* classes have become obsolete and produce warning messages upon compilation. The new classes are in com.apple.eawt. The class JBirdOSX will continue to use the old classes until they dissappear. This maximizes backwards compatibility now as well as when the old classes do disappear and J-Bird must be switched to the new classes. At that time, most people will hopefully have newer Java runtimes. 0.1.2 11 February 2003 CVS tag V0_1_2 BUG FIXES - Preferences dialog now closes when window forcibly closed using window pane close icon. - Improved focus management for Mac OS X. On panel for adding and editing ticks, focus is restored after entries are written to the log window so that users no longer have to click to restore focus after doing most anything on this panel. Focus remains an issue after popup-gratifiers disappear. - Fixed bug in installer that caused J-Bird upgrades to fail if directories to be installed already exist. - Fixed bug in installer that surfaced after failed upgrades. After a failed upgrade, the previous version of J-Bird could not be removed from Windows systems by using the system control panel to remove the package or by running the uninstall script in the J-Bird directory. And, if the user tried to upgrade again, the installer refused to recognize the existing version of J-Bird. - Installer. Users no longer need to rename JBirdSetup*.jar files before running them. Infact, they shouldn't be renamed. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Added ability to play sound in response to life ticks, region ticks and trip ticks. Sound off by default. Turn it on from Edit -> Preferences. Sounds have been contributed by Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics at Ohio State University: Life tick - Canyon Wren Region tick - Rufous-browed Peppershrike Trip tick - Pale-billed Woodpecker Error - Red-cockaded Woodpecker (plays only when ticking species that have already been ticked on a trip) - Added ability to count ticks. Counts are displayed in tables. Tables can be saved as either CSV files or as HTML files. To count ticks, select "Count species ticks" in the choice of tasks at the upper left-hand corner of the J-Bird window. Tables can be saved using the File menus that appear just above them. - Improved GUI usability (somewhat) - Dialog boxes should appear at the location of the cursor rather than at some random place for new region, new trip, new observer, edit region, edit trip, edit observer. - Text fields in edit dialogs can be traversed by pressing the return key when one of the fields has focus. - Text fields in add/edit ticks can be traversed using the return key. Convenient for typing name of entry and pressing return to go to next box. - Go buttons, tick buttons, and task chooser change color when pressed and remained changed until the task is complete. (Note that when buttons launch web browsers, the button colors remain changed only until the browser is launched. It make some time for the browser to actually appear.) - Mac OS X. Implemented Preferences, About and Quit menu items in Mac OS application menu. - Provide separate package for Mac OS X, although it is not a native package and installer. - Removed file encoding accessory from file choosers. The process of building a list of available encodings revealed bugs/exceptions in Blackdown java 1.4.1. Besides, the chooser seemed to confuse people. - Windows installer should be able to find and launch Java runtimes without prompting the user for input. It will prompt the user if it cannot find a Java runtime or if it finds multiple runtimes. - Added uninstall section to users guide. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Began writing some debugging code using junit. - Moved from Make to ant! - Moved internationalization resource files from old simple text files to xml and JLocalizer. JLocalizer jar file added to CVS (snapshot 1 December 2002) - Format of CVS tags changed to V0_1_2 - Upgraded installer to Version 0.21 of VAInstall (patched). 0.1.1 29 July 2002 CVS tag v0-1-1 BUG FIXES - Fixed alphabetization of names. - Fixed bug in name completion in common names (Collator problem in CommonChooser). - Fixed "For license details" paragraph of license splash screen. - Fixed temporal overlap in popup gratifiers. They are now displayed sequentially. VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS - Trip reports implemented. Reports can be saved to file or in the default browser. - Preserve state between runs of J-Bird so that the task and major settings from the previous run will be restored. - Add button to "add/edit ticks" panel for displaying ticks in a browser. - Move copyright splash to center of screen. - Start log window at lower right-hand side of screen. INFRASTRUCTURE - things users shouldn't notice (except new bugs and possibly improved performance). - Interface for MainFrame to interact with interchangeable components. - Move initialization of Mckoi database from build script to database builder, where database is initialized facultatively. Needed for package updates. - Patched bugs in Eric Albert's Browser launcher class to work under linux (fix from bug report on sourceforge page). - Patched Eric Albert's BrowserLauncher to open file urls on Mac OS X MRJ_1_3_1. - Added Eric Albert's BrowserLauncher class to CVS. - Built queueing system for audio and visual gratifiers (net.sourceforge.jbird.awt.AVQueue). Retired TimedImage class. - Removed long-defunct NotesDirectory from J-Bird.prefs file and JBirdOptions class. 0.1.0 14 June 2002 - First alpha release - CVS tag v0-1-0 - Load master species list (Sibley-Monroe, AOU, any CSV) - Ticking of species (scientific names, common names) - Popup gratifiers for life ticks and region ticks - Notes for trips and ticks in html - Edit capabilities for regions, trips, and observers - Dump database tables to CSV and restore - Name completion in text fields - Log window - engine is Mckoi SQL Database - VAInstall installer