Installing J-Bird 0.5.2 on Microsoft Windows
- If you need a Java runtime and wish to install it manually rather than
having it installed by the J-Bird installer, install it now.
The process should
be a matter of clicking on the icon and following the install steps.
- You need to be sure that the folder into which the J-Bird folder
will be installed is writable. This directory is usually
"C:\Program Files", and it is not usually writable on most systems.
Java honors directory permissions even though most installers don't.
To grant write permission on a folder (for example
"C:\Program Files"), click My Computer -> Drive C. Then, use the
right mouse button to click on the "Program Files" folder. Choose
"Properties ...", untick the read-only box and commit the change.
- To start the installer, click on the file JBirdSetup_V0_5_2_Windows.exe that you
down-loaded. The installer will attempt to locate
your Java runtime, and it will probably succeed and start Java
without your assistance. If it fails to locate a Java runtime,
it will ask if you would like to have one installed. If you
assent the installer will quit after it installs Java,
and you will need to restart it to install J-Bird.
- If you are installing for the first time, you will see during the install an
Update screen indicating that
no previous version of J-Bird has been found by the
installer. Just click "Next" to move on to the install. (If you
are upgrading, the screen in question will identify the
existing version and ask if you want to upgrade.)
- If you elect to have shortcuts installed, you can run the database
builder and J-Bird from
Start -> Programs -> J-Bird.
Otherwise, launch scripts will be available in the folder
in which you install J-Bird.
You are now ready to launch J-Bird.
Page updated 25 March 2007