Appendix B: What J-Bird stores where on your computer
Installer metadata
- Mac OS X - none stored!
- MS Windows.
- VAInstall data are likely to be in:
- C:\Program Files\Common Files\vainstall or
- C:\Documents and Settings\yourhome\vainstall.
- System uninstall information is in the registry key
- Unix/Linux - in directory ~/.vainstall.
Software - default locations
- Mac OS X - none. J-Bird is wherever you dragged the icon.
- MS Windows - assume that the system disk is C:. The installer
is likely to suggest one of the following:
- C:\Program Files\J-Bird,
- C:\Documents and Settings\yourhome\J-Bird.
- Unix/Linux - ~/J-Bird.
Observation data, configuration and state
- Mac OS X - ~/Library/Application Support/J-Bird.
- MS Windows.
- %APPDATA%\J-Bird on systems on which %APPDATA%
is defined.
- On other systems, it will be installed in a subdirectory
of your home directory that is named
Application Data\J-Bird. On Win 98 systems it is
usually C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\J-Bird.
- Unix/Linux - ~/.J-Bird.
It is possible to use an arbitrary directory to store observation data. J-Bird
uses the directory specified by the Java system property, if
that property has been set. To set the property, you must edit the J-Bird
launch scripts and set the property in commands in which Java is invoked.
For example, such a command might begin with
java"/home/me/miscdata/J-BirdData" ...
Last updated 15 June 2006